troka:1995 ..essentially a collaborative quasi-cryptic venture into unknown, and underlying possibilities within our sphere of influence, rendering seemingly instinctive motifs, offering glimpses that beckon an interplay in artforms that are innate as humankind persists, or transient as life in anticipation of its terminus. Needless to say.. [XHTML ? 1995-2007 Troka Estate. All rights reserved] ...
a little town in the Troki Powiat [District], on the Pinsówek River, 54 versts [1 verst = 1.0668 kilometers] from Troki, 115 versts distant from Wilno [Vilnius]. There is a wooden Catholic church under the name of the Redeemer, ...
a little town in the Troki Powiat [District], on the Pinsówek River, 54 versts [1 verst = 1.0668 kilometers] from Troki, 115 versts distant from Wilno [Vilnius]. There is a wooden Catholic church under the name of the Redeemer, ...